KZN Business Chambers
Digitally Relevant 

Classified Advert Rates

R 900.75 per insertion

Four consecutive editions

25 words or less

R 750.50   per insertion

Six consecutive editions

25 words or less

All classified advert are blogged and shared with all social platforms to maximize results. We would encourage you to take all 6 editions, as it ticks all the boxes. It’s a good time of the year to test the waters and we’ve got two editions left this year so chat to Tracy on 0600 00 3770 or email

This is the package and procedures:

Classified advert in Business Sense

Company Profile set loaded on KZN Business Portfolio. ( ) 

Company Profile loaded on KZN Chambers ( )

 All these profiles have blog set up on then which enables the advert to be broadcast and shared with 35 social media plat forms  (Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, google+…etc.)

Contact Tracy