The KwaZulu-Natal Business Chambers Council (KBCC) is the representative voice of organised business in KwaZulu-Natal. Membership is open to all formal business representative organisations in the province with the major chambers and business organisations in KZN already members.
This includes the Durban Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Minara Chamber of Commerce, the Pietermaritzburg & Midlands Chamber of Business, Ilembe Chamber of Commerce, KZN Growth Coalition, the Zululand Chamber of Commerce, the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, the KZN Youth Chamber, FABCOS NAFCOC and KZN Top Businwess - KZN Business Linkages
KBCC"s objective, and that of our members, is to build KZN into a business powerhouse that is an attractive destination for investments. The KBCC is a conduit for the flow of information on matters pertaining to business in the province, and represents member chambers, and lobbies on behalf of its constituents, to provincial government. The KBCC also provides input on economic growth and strategy to provincial government, especially through the KZN Economic Council.
KZN has enjoyed significant infrastructure development, which not only enhanced the reputation of the province both locally and internationally, but also boosted investor confidence and laid the foundation for sustained growth. Further infrastructure development projects, including the SIPS2 Transportation Infrastructure Project for the Durban-Johannesburg corridor, the Dube TradePort Aerotropolis in Durban and the establishment of dedicated industrial hubs, present continued development opportunities for a wide range of businesses in KZN.